Even Bracket Numbers

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Have you ever wondered how can we show the negative numbers into the bracket and in red color? You can show the negative numbers into the bracket with text in red color using the custom cell formatting option.

A string with an even number of a's and an odd number of b's will satisfy this regex as it starts with zero or more b's, then is followed by one a, zero or more b's, one more a and zero or more b's, zero or more times. Improve this answer. Follow edited Oct 21 '16 at 10:54.

The numbers are assigned in the order of citation. If a piece of work is cited more than once, the same citation number must be used. This number is commonly enclosed in round brackets (1), but it can also be written inside square brackets 1, as a superscript 1, or as a combination of brackets. The bracket above is a 16 Team 'Seeded' double elimination bracket. The same idea is used for all brackets, not matter what the number of participants are. A: The letter 'A' points to the 'Seeds' of the tournament, if you have pre-ranked your participants based on strength or a season record you would put each team's name on the corresponding line.

Before starting with this blog, let me explain what this technique would help you to achieve with the help of a small example.

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Round Robin scheduling: Even number of teams. Let N = number of teams in the tournament. There will be N -1 rounds (each team will play N-1 games). Since each team will play every other team once, no team will be idle during any of the rounds. Let us schedule a round-robin tournament for 8 teams numbered from 1 to 8. The set of all even integers, expressed in set-builder notation. In set theory and its applications to logic, mathematics, and computer science, set-builder notation is a mathematical notation for describing a set by enumerating its elements, or stating the properties that its members must satisfy.

Suppose you have a list of numbers in Excel (as shown in the screenshot below).


As you can see that some of the numbers are positive and others are negative (with a minus sign before it). Also, all the numbers (whether positive or negative) as in black color.

Now you want to change the formatting of the numbers such that the positive numbers should remain as it is (i.e. in black color), but the negative number should be in the bracket and the font color should change to red.

The below screenshot shows the sample numbers and its result (after changing the formatting).

So how can you achieve this?

Even Bracket Numbers

Someone may think that this can be done using the Cell Number Formatting option of Excel. But it is pertinent to note that the Excel Cell Number Formatting can change the negative number into red color, but will not insert the numbers into brackets.

Refer to the screenshot below:

Let us now unlock the technique to show the negative numbers into a bracket and red color.

Show Negative Numbers in Bracket and in Red Color

Select the cells which contain that list of the numbers as shown in the screenshot below :

Even Bracket Numbers

Go to the “Home” Tab. In the “Number” group, click on the “Format Cell” dialog box launcher. You can find the dialog box launcher as a small square (with an arrow inside it) on the bottom right of the “Number” group

Refer to the screenshot below

The “Format Cells” dialog box would open as shown in the picture below

In the “Category” section of this dialog box, click on the option “Custom”. You would notice that on the right side of this dialog box, the “Custom” formatting options are available as shown in the screenshot below

You would notice that there is one input box under the section “Type”. Enter the following text in the input box


And then press the “OK” button

Finally, you can see that the positive numbers remain as it is (in black color) and the negative numbers are in brackets with red color

Explanation of the functionality :

There are four parts of this text: #,###;[Red](#,###);;General. As you can see, Semicolon (;) separates each of these parts.

The first part denotes the formatting of a positive number in the cell. In the present case, we have given the formatting to a positive number as #,### (number with thousand separator).

Even Bracket Numbers Calculator

The second section denotes the formatting of a negative number. In the present case, we have given formatting to a negative number as [Red](#,###) i.e. it should in the bracket and in red color.

Even Bracket Numbers

The third part denotes the formatting of zero (0) in the cell

The fourth and the last section denotes the formatting of the text (Characters/words). We have given it “General”.

Even Bracket Numbers Online


Even Bracket Numbers Printable

This brings us to the end of this blog.

Even Bracket Numbers Line


Even Bracket Numbers Meaning
