Shuffle Chips

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OK, let’s learn how to shuffle poker chips… This is probably the most common chip trick, if it can even be called a trick, and pretty much any poker player knows how to do it. It’s a great way to pass time at a poker table and also a great way to relive stress. Actually it’s probably an even better way to relive stress than a stress ball (I usually even shuffle chips while playing online).

Anyway, let’s take it step by step…

Step 1.

Arrange your chips in to two even stacks. Now you have to place your fingers correctly, at first it might feel very unnatural, but with time it will become as easy as holding your remote and turning on the TV.

Quick instructional video that explains how to shuffle poker chips. Dark video makes it hard to see, but it is a good introduction to doing the shuffling with one hand. Learn how to shuffle poker chips like the poker pros. A how to video that will have you shuffling poker chips in no time. Produced by Wrestling Ferret Produc. What type of object to shuffle, such as chipslabel or chipsplot. See the Object Type section of 'ahelp chipsopt'. Direction: What direction should the object be shuffled? The options are: chipsforward, chipsbackward, chipsfront, and chipsback. The default value is chipsforward. The chips should slide gently into a single stack with alternating colors. When you can shuffle six chips with regularity and confidence, scale up to eight, ten and so on. It’s common to see professional players shuffling 20 or more chips at a time.

Want to learn how to shuffle poker chips like a pro? Pay attention to this gambling poker chip trick instructional video. Start with 6 poker chips, if you are a beginner & then move on to 8.

Place your pinky at the bottom right of your right stacks (Reverse everything if you are left handed). Then place your ring finger on the top right of that same stack. Now you should be at this point:

Doing OK? Great! Let’s continue… put the middle finger between both chip stacks like this:

OK, final part of the grip, place your index finger on the top left of your left stack and your thumb on the bottom left of that same stack. Now you should be at this point:

Step 2.

All that’s left to do is to shuffle those chips! You do that by pushing both stacks into each other with your thumb, index, ring and pinky fingers and steadily lifting the chips up with your middle finger. When you get smoother at it, your motion should feel a lot like you are petting a cat or something. Some visual instructions:

Oh yeah, and obviously, when they are shuffled in between each other, push them together to get one stack.

Useful tips:

  • Try shuffling only 4 chips at first and add more when you get the hang of it.
  • Start of on a soft surface (like a couch or a bed), it’s much easier to shuffle poker chips on a soft surface.
  • Practice! It takes some time to learn, but when you do, it’ll be like second nature.

Have fun shuffling poker chips and good luck!

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Shuffle Chips

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Jump to:Description · Examples · Shuffling objects · Bugs · See Also


Shuffles the rendering order of the object within the depth.



Shuffle Chips

The function arguments.

object What type of object to shuffle, such as chips_label or chips_plot. See the Object Type section of 'ahelp chipsopt'.
direction What direction should the object be shuffled? The options are: chips_forward, chips_backward, chips_front, and chips_back. The default value is chips_forward.
id A ChipsId structure identifying the item, or a string containing the name of the object.

There is also a 'shuffle' command for specific ChIPS objects: shuffle_axis, shuffle_colorbar, shuffle_contour, shuffle_curve, shuffle_histogram, shuffle_image, shuffle_label, shuffle_line, shuffle_point, and shuffle_region. Additionally, there are direction-specific commands: shuffle_back, shuffle_backward, shuffle_forward, and shuffle_front.

Poker Players Shuffle Chips


Example 1

Create three overlapping lines (they all have the same depth, the default one). Move the current line to the back of the stack.

Example 2

Move the line 'line2' one step back in the rendering order.

Shuffling objects

By default, objects within a depth are ordered chonologically based on when they were added to that depth. The objects are stacked with the oldest item at the back of the list and the newest item at the front of the list. This order dictates how the objects overlap when drawn.

The shuffle command changes the object's position within the stack. Any given object may be shuffled forward or backward one place in the stack or sent directly to the front or back of the stack.

The direction options:

chips_backSend to the back of the stack.
chips_frontSend to the front of the stack.
chips_forwardMove one step closer to the front of the stack.
chips_backwardMove one step further back along the stack.

The shuffle routines can only operate on a single object. An error is returned if currency is set to 'all'.

Poker Shuffle Chips


See the bugs pages on the ChIPS website for an up-to-date listing of known bugs.

Shuffle Chips With One Hand

See Also

Buy Poker Chips Near Me
